Pregnancy Dreams

Dreams About Being Pregnant: Dream Meanings Explained

Pregnancy Dreams (
Dreams in Pregnancy - Pregnant women often dream intensively. And the images from the head cinema they often pursue even the next day. Where does this phenomenon and how can mothers with that best?
Silke R. Plagge

"Very happy I strolled past the windows. Suddenly I realized that I had no stroller. My baby! I had lost my baby. As fast as I could, I ran back up the escalator, and wandered through the store. Then I woke up sweating, "says Janine.

Nina was about to give birth a different dream: "Again and again I dreamed of swimming in the sea. Although I only had fear, it was just the waves that inspired me then and it was a wonderful feeling of being at one with the tides. “The dream gave her a sense of strength.

During pregnancy is the nightly Kopfkino particularly intense

Many pregnant women report that they feel they have to dream more than usual - and different. "Pregnant women dream actually a lot and can often intensely remember their dreams," says psychologist Dr. Patricia Garfield. "Many dreams are closely related to the pregnancy and are dependent, in which trimester, the expectant mother is and how she is physically."

Pregnant women are particularly affected by hormones. Especially the pregnancy hormone progesterone should be at fault for the mothers-to-be wake up just before the end of REM sleep - and for this reason are especially likely remember the dreamed. The conversion of the body causes especially that pregnant women are so often tired - and more sleep. "The more you sleep, the more you dream about it," says Dr. Garfield.

But the excitement of mental cinema is explained not only with physical sensitivities. "The pregnancy and the impending birth of a new life with a woman child presents many questions. Anticipation, anxiety or fears occupy their subconscious, "says the sleep psychologist Günther W. Amann-Jennson. Especially towards the end of pregnancy, there is many women as if they dream intensively. This is because, explains the expert Patricia Garfield, that sleeping is becoming increasingly difficult and is frequently interrupted - for example when the baby in the belly to have a bowel movement or turning over in bed is no longer possible.

Who wakes up frequently recalls more often in the dreams. Of emotions, details and colors. For those that can sleep through the night, usually remember most of the last dream before waking.

The Würzburg gynecologist Jael jaw wanted to know what dream pregnant, and studied for a year over 160 dreams of pregnant women. Most of the dreams revolved around the topics of pregnancy, birth and baby. Even everyday and serious problems have been addressed. It was interesting that many of the pregnant women reported significant visual dream content. A phenomenon that even the American Patricia Garfield confirmed. She has written an article on "Pregnancy and Birth Dreams" and dealt extensively with the symbolism.

The images of dreams are different at different stages of pregnancy. They reflect not only the physical but also the emotional sensibilities of the pregnant again, their hopes and fears.

Dreams at the beginning of pregnancy

Lush Mediterranean gardens, juicy fruits and beautiful meadows are just at the beginning of pregnancy most often symbolize the Träumen.Sie for fertility and conception. Water is also a symbol that in common in early pregnancy - but also in other stages of pregnancy always thematically occurs. "The baby floats in the amniotic fluid - often the mother is with him in the same dream, and dreams of weightlessness in the water," says Garfield.

Typical of the early phase of pregnancy are different dreams about imposing buildings or houses. They stand for the awareness that change the body or even the predictable lives. Some women dream of also repeated to carry very heavy weights or by burglars. Here anxiety is manifested before the next load and the feeling of helplessness.

In the middle of pregnancy physicality plays an important role

From the 4th Month of pregnancy, the pregnancy is physically more present. The belly rounded out, the pants do not fit and the pounds come a week apparently. Even the baby is growing significantly. Many women feel at this stage of pregnancy very fit, the nausea has mostly stopped and the body is bleeding profusely.

Suddenly, there are also very strong erotic dreams. And dreams in the ex-boyfriends play a role or be a partner with another woman turns. All of these dreams are for dealing with their own attractiveness - and the changing body.

Some women also report that they are in the second trimester a lot of small animals dream, which they supply or that their own mother frequently appears in dream imagery. Patricia Garfield deuttet this as a symbol of the fact that pregnant women are more concerned because she is a mother soon.

Shortly before birth, the most intense dreams

In the third trimester, dreams are remembered vividly and often seem very symbolic. This is of course the fact that the mother now more likely to wake up and can not remember more. "In the third trimester, many women dream very intensely from her baby. Some dream that their child has them reveal his name, "said Patricia Garfield.

Dreams about traveling, Pack your bags and wandering through completely unknown locations are typical. They stand for the fear of the unknown. Even the fear of forgetting the baby, it accidentally like a doll to break anything or it just can not find often. This is clearly the fear of the mother's role and responsibility. Even women who are very happy to have her child and relaxed pregnant can have such dreams.

Especially a lot of dreams of pregnant women in late pregnancy revolve around the theme of birth. Some women dream of elements such as water, which they carry. Very many women dream of having labor pains - and some have actually been first practice contractions at night and handle this in a dream. The fear of childbirth, dreams in which it comes to his own death, blood loss and fear of utter helplessness have, especially primiparas.

Interestingly, an Israeli study: It found that women with birth nightmares often have lighter and shorter deliveries. Probably because they have already been taken up so much with the topic.

Dreams can be considered as guides to the soul

Beautiful colorful dreams can soothe. Some dreams are hard to interpret. Others leave terrible feelings and fears. What about when a heavily pregnant over and over again dreams of her baby, the umbilical cord around his neck?

Such dreams and fears should be taken seriously. If an expectant mother really cares about the welfare of their child, they should discuss this openly with the woman doctor - an ultrasound can show the umbilical cord, for example. Other incriminating dreams should be addressed - perhaps a reason to be found.

Who particularly exciting and symbolic dreams should be possible down a dream diary. Lay right next to the bed and write in a notebook right after waking up, advises the author Eileen Stukane. Thus, the feelings and also the details are still present. A dream journal can later be an interesting reminder of the time of pregnancy - and also help you understand your feelings better. Sometimes it may also do well to talk about the nocturnal fantasies and images with a friend.

Or with his father-in-law. Fathers dream itself namely often very intense. If you manage to couple to talk openly about dreams Both succeed far better to address their own fears and the new living situation. A wonderful foundation for the common relationship and for its new role as parents.

Bitter Taste in Mouth After Eating

We have taste buds to enjoy each delicious creation of nature. But if we are bitter or bad taste in our mouth, we want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Is not it? This can be seen because of the different tastes, we are in the situation. Usually when this happens, we have directly they relate any disease or dental disorder but sometimes the reason for this bitterness is different. Many people experience bitter taste in the mouth after eating, and one of the reason is the food they eat.

Bitter taste in mouth causes

There are some fruits and beans, which have a very distinctive odor or taste, the back remains in the mouth. This taste may remain in the mouth of a short period of many days. During this time you are not in a position to deal for every taste and experience are the bitter taste changes. It can also happen because of some diseases. But if you do not suffer from such a disease, then the food is the only cause. The chemical constituents of food, our taste buds inactive and the bitter taste remains. The main cause for bitter taste in the mouth after eating pine nuts. Apart from this there are many other causes also are as follows.

1. Pine nuts
Experiencing bad taste in your mouth after eating pine nuts is a very common phenomenon and the person suffering from it is known that about "pine mouth" have. Pine nuts in many dishes, salads and vegetables used are even sprinkled some of the dishes. Although pine nuts are delicious, but the bitter taste in the mouth, they can be annoying sometimes. Not only that, it is very difficult to get rid of this bitter taste, how it can remain for almost 15 days. You will get no other taste in this period than what ever you eat tastes bitter.

Many studies have been carried out to find out the cause behind the bitter taste, but all end with different assumptions. Some believe that the people who are allergic to pine nuts and some believe that it is due to the chemical composition of the nuts is caused. The pesticides and other chemicals used on plants. Well as the reason for bitter or metallic taste in the mouth of some of the researchers But these are all assumptions as nothing has been proven, and the investigations are still on to find the real cause of it.

2. Candy
Many people complains that they can taste bitter experience for sweets. It is not uncommon. The reason is if you eat something sweet accustomed your palate with this taste. Then, when you eat something after it is either bitter or sweet it will taste. This effect is only for a few minutes and is at some point.

3. Other causes
Other causes of bitter taste in the mouth can be a disease. Diabetes and jaundice are the great. The person who is suffering from these diseases bitter taste in the mouth experience, but it can not be considered as the only or main symptom of these diseases in order to confirm a correct diagnosis only, the condition. People that have recently undergone a root canal surgery prone to infection, which in turn lead to bitter taste in the mouth.

Remedies for bitter taste in the mouth

While there is no solution for the pine nuts, yet there are few resources that may help solve the bitter taste in the mouth problems.
  1. Drink as much water as you can. First, water can also taste bitter, but will help you get rid of the bitter taste after a while.
  2. Take charcoal tablets, which are readily available on the market. It acts as a detoxifier and helps in reducing the effect of pine nuts.
  3. Drink juices that have strong flavors such as orange juice, lime juice, etc.
  4. Drinking aloe vera juice twice daily. Its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties can help you to minimize the effect of pine nuts.
  5. Brush twice a day and really clean tongue. Rinse your mouth with salt water and spit the water. This will help you, your taste buds back on track
Now that you know the causes and the cures of the bitter taste in your mouth; you should manage your diet accordingly. When pine nuts are the main causes for bitter taste are trying to avoid it in your diet. This will help you to enjoy your taste buds are always active and for each individual flavor of your delicious food.

Fluid Retention During Pregnancy

Swelling and fluid retention during pregnancy

Fluid Retention During Pregnancy
Fluid Retention During Pregnancy (
Fluid Retention During Pregnancy - Many pregnant women complain early on water retention in the legs and especially in view of the current outdoor temperature water retention can be quite a burden. In the evening, the feet are usually so swollen that it begins to ache and constantly put up the legs brings some point no more. All women who are struggling with water retention and which a pregnancy over the summer is still to come, we want to do with our tips and tricks for heavy legs courage and show little help with this problem come naturally to better clear.

What helps for heavy legs and water retention?

Specialty teas have a diuretic and help out the body from the inside:
Nettle, horsetail, birch bark, horsetail, vervain, dandelion and St John's wort tea have a diuretic.

IMPORTANT: Please do not drink more than two cups a day!
Whey drinks, green tea and rooibos tea also mild diuretic effect of these beverages and you may also drink a little more quiet.

The following fruits and vegetables from flooding:
Vegetables: asparagus, celery, potatoes, cucumbers and leeks
Fruits: pineapple, cherries, apples and pears

Also has a dehydrating rice meal, rice several days however, according to recent findings seem rather hazardous.

Baths & Co:
For the cold months: Warm baths with sea salts have a diuretic
For the warm months: cold leg casts with mint tea and cold compresses or a salt solution affect the tension feelings towards significantly
Legs with a cooling gel rub (rub or leave)

Midwives tips:
Many midwives recommend the salt-rich diet and even recommend taking 2-3 pinches of salt per day. So you get down this salt servings, eg you can the salt on a wafer or a sip of water to swallow.
Drink plenty of fluids Many still think that drinking a lot more damaging and leads to even more water retention. But a midwife said to me that the body gets too little water stored automatically, and therefore, it seems logical to say - drink a lot of help, a lot!

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