Cramping During Early Pregnancy
Cramps during early pregnancy is common and normal. Some women experience cramps 7 days after ovulation. However, if seizures occur when a woman is pregnant, then it is called implantation cramping. During pregnancy, the egg attaches itself to the uterus or why seizures can be felt implanted. Often women are afraid that cramps are a sign of miscarriage. However, this is not the case. The first stages of pregnancy are often accompanied by cramps. The onset of seizures for each individual. Some women experience cramps right after they get a positive pregnancy test. This is because their uterus starts preparing the baby for the next nine months to carry.
The cramps felt during pregnancy is similar to those experienced during menstruation. Many women believe that cramps a sign that her period is around the corner. You wear a pad all day long, but there is no deadline. The cramping is caused in the womb "Preparing for the baby / hormonal changes / implantation. Sometimes the cramps with light spotting and is accompanied. This is called implantation bleeding. If a woman experiences cramps and your period is overdue, then do it the right time for a pregnancy test.
Cramps during pregnancy are caused due to the uterus. The muscles of the uterus to exclude anything in the uterus, which tend to stretch. Cramping is the implantation of the aftermath, when the ovum is fertilized by the sperm and the embryo joins the woman's uterus. In addition, the body is preparing for the embryo that would develop into a new individual into the uterus to accommodate, in the course of time.
To accommodate the growing baby and placenta, the uterus, to stretch. The uterus is also made for fortified foods and blood supply, are as it is in the uterus that nourishes the embryo. Several ligaments supporting the uterus, which stretch to the baby room. When the band called the ligament stretches and expands, abdominal pain occurs during pregnancy. Sun is ligament pain from uterine muscle strain is another cause for cramps.
Cramping in early pregnancy is often accompanied by spotting or light bleeding. The incidence of such bleeding can be a symptom of implantation bleeding. Women who have given birth to experience more than one child strong, stabbing pain in the hip or groin. The pain is very intense if the woman is sitting or lying down, however the subsidies while walking or standing. This intense pain is due to the weakening of the tendons in the groin. This weakening of the tendon at each pregnancy leads to severe cramps.
Ways to ease cramps during early pregnancy
The exercise is a good way to combat these cramps and strengthen the tendons in the groin. It will not only contribute to the intensity of the cramps, but also labor and delivery easier. To relieve cramps during early pregnancy can be a warm water bath or a hot shower. When the warm water cascade on the back, get cramps subsided. You could reduce low even with a heating pad or hot compress on the lower back, the pain associated with pregnancy.
However, when the intensity increases and cramps past the sixth week, or if spotting is severe, then there is a concern. In addition, cramps on one side of the abdominal region, is a sign of ectopic pregnancy that requires immediate medical treatment. If these symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are neglected, it can lead to rupture of the fallopian tubes. Women can also odd cramps in the upper abdomen that can become severe and extend right up to the shoulder area. The reason for this is gallbladder disease that we see affecting many pregnant women. Pregnant women should avoid greasy food to relieve cramps during early pregnancy.
The onset of the spasms occurs differently for different women and is a natural phenomenon. As the uterus starts stretching, take the baby, cramps during early pregnancy is to be expected. However, intense cramps should note to the doctor immediately.