Heartburn in pregnancy
Heartburn during pregnancy is not uncommon. Especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, it is one of the most common complaints. Annoying enough, the heartburn usually occurs during rest periods, at night or during nap on the couch.
A common complaint of pregnancy
Heartburn is defined as the rising of stomach acid into the esophagus. During your pregnancy heartburn occurs particularly often, because your uterus puts pressure on the stomach. Another cause of frequent heartburn in pregnancy may also be the hormonal situation of the expectant mother. For this reason you should have during pregnancy rather small, light meals and you fail to take the portions, especially at lunch so big.
Symptoms of heartburn
Depending on how strong the esophagus during this procedure will be debited to show different symptoms, which can also affect the chest and neck. Classically, cramps after eating, and a sour taste. Furthermore can be an indication of regurgitation and heartburn. Often, a burning sensation is created behind the breast bone and pain that arise from the stomach to the neck.
Causes of Heartburn

Home remedies for heartburn
For acute complaints oatmeal, white bread or something neutralize a glass of milk excess acid. Some pregnant women also help the consumption of nuts. Shelled almonds are especially good since. In addition, you should take enough magnesium to yourself and take a daily capsule mineral soil. Perhaps it also helps you adjust your eating habits a little: eat more slowly attempts to chew thoroughly and distribute small portions throughout the day. If a change in eating habits provides no relief, you can ask your family doctor or homeopathic remedies you buy in the pharmacy an antacid to neutralize stomach acid.
And even if it is cold comfort now: at the latest after the birth of the heartburn has an end.